Safety Information Session and Pet Costume Contest

MUD 102 Residents,

We are holding a Dog Walker Watch Program meeting in coordination with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office at the Colonies Neighborhood Center (15003 Yorktown Colony Dr) this Wednesday, October 26th.

Starting at 5:30 there will be a safety awareness presentation by the HCSO and an animal education presentation by Harris County Pets. Then we will have a pet costume contest at approximately 6pm, where the three best dressed pets will receive a PETCO gift card. After the winners are announced, there will be a community walk escorted by the sheriff deputies who work in our district.

Come out and learn how you can help us keep the neighborhood safe. Hope to see you there!

Board Meetings

Until further notice, the meetings of the Board of Directors of Harris County Municipal Utility District 102 are being conducted by telephonic conference to advance the public health goal of limiting face-to-face meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus. Call-in information is listed in the agendas for the meetings of the Board.