Update 9/6/17 at 4:30 pm
The status of sanitary sewer usage has not changed much from prior posts (all sections of the District except Savannah Estates may use the sanitary sewer system conservatively – flushing toilets and short showers, may use dishwashers and washing machines once a day).
Portable toilets are now located at 14822 Appaloosa Avenue and also the intersection of Painted Trail and Provost, both in Savannah Estates.
Waste Water Treatment Plant: Operating on temporary bleach system. UV system damaged and inoperable. On-site lift station is operating on one lift pump, with the second one pulled for dipping and baking. The other two lift pumps are too small to keep up with flow, although we are using one as a jockey pump to supplement the main lift pump.
Lift Stations 1 and 3: Pumps are operating and wet well level remains normal.
Lift Station 2 in Savannah Estates: We have pumped down three feet from the high wet well over the past 48 hours. The level will remain high until the collection system manholes are no longer flooded in Savannah Estates. We recommend remaining in a sewer restriction until the wet well level decreases.
Water Well 4: Still inaccessible due to flooding.
The District’s water remains safe to drink.